Essential IDs and Credentials to have for newly arrived International Students

In Calgary, students can receive top-notch education while enjoying a more diverse living experience and greater development opportunities. To quickly integrate into local life, students will need to apply for some essential IDs and credentials. Calgary is rapidly emerging as one of the top cities for international students choosing to study in Canada. Compared to traditional educational cities like Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto, Montreal, Waterloo, and Ottawa, Calgary stands out with its friendly community and more affordable cost of living. While these cities each have their unique charms, Calgary’s continually improving educational environment and comprehensive student support system are attracting more and more international students. 

Calgary also boasts vibrant communities and rich cultural activities. Students can participate in various cultural festivals, sporting events, and social activities, which help them better integrate into local life, broaden their horizons, and build networks. Additionally, Calgary’s beautiful natural environment, being close to the Rocky Mountains, offers students opportunities to enjoy skiing, hiking, and other outdoor activities in their spare time, which greatly benefits their physical and mental health.

However, the lifestyle and customs in Calgary might be different from what students got around the same way as in their home town. To ensure that students can quickly obtain and enjoy their legitimate rights and benefits, they need to apply for various identification and credentials issued by the federal government, provincial government, schools, and else third parties. These documents are not only essential for proofs of legitimate residency, schooling, and living but also help students swiftly adapt to daily and school life in Calgary.

Here is a preliminary classification of important identification and credentials that international students need for living in Calgary:

  1. Federal Identification Credentials
  2. Provincial Identification Credentials
  3. School and Transportation Credentials
  4. Other Credentials
1. Federal Identification Credentials
  • Study Permit:
    The original may be required for verification when registering at the school. This is also required for proof of travelling purpose when cross border. Keep it properly with your passport at all times.
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN):
    • For school-related purposes: Required for applying for scholarships, bursaries, on-campus jobs, and for receiving the annual tuition and book tax forms.
    • For external purposes: Facilitates annual tax filings and accumulates future tax deductions, and is necessary for receiving benefits and relief allowances from various government programs.
2. Provincial Identification Credentials
  • Alberta Identification Card (ABID): The best proof of residency as an Albertan when accessing various services. Great for opening bank accounts, renting accommodation, and other daily activities.
  • Driver’s License (ABDL): The most practical form of identification, offering all the functions of an ABID. Getting a driver’s license early can help accumulate driving experience for potential insurance discounts.
  • Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) Card: A very practical ID card providing necessary medical care.
    (Although it is not currently a photo ID and is fragile, it is recommended to laminate it for protection and to keep a scanned copy on your phone.)
3. School and Transportation Credentials
  • Student ID:
    Serves as identification within the school and is the most powerful proof of student status for obtaining various student discounts outside the school.
  • Monthly Transit Pass:
    Highly recommended for those who need to travel more than 10 days per month using public transportation. Additionally, Calgary Transit offers a UPass student monthly pass in cooperation with specific schools, providing more discounts.
  • Student Group Insurance/Benefits Card:
    Usually provided by the school or student association. It helps students access discounts on medical, dental, and mental health services, and offers substantial coverage for prescription medications.
4. Others
  • Third-Party Commercial Medical Insurance Card:
    Provides transitional medical insurance coverage before the Alberta Health Card becomes effective, ensuring students’ educational rights.
  • Calgary Public Library Card:
    Allows free broadband internet access at libraries and serves as an alternative source for textbooks if they are unavailable at the school library.
  • International Long Distance Calling Card:
    Essential for staying in touch with family and friends, especially if other internet-based voice services are not available.
    (It is recommended to keep a prepaid card that allows for at least 10 minutes of talk time.)

These documents and cards can help international students quickly adapt to daily life and school life in Calgary, allowing them to focus on their studies and enjoy the vibrant and opportunity-filled city. By preparing these items, international students can more easily integrate into the new environment, experience different cultures, and protect their legal rights and benefits.